Bio/About Me
Hi there!
My name's Max.
I'm a portrait and events photographer based in Dover, New Hampshire, and I'm currently working toward my B.A. in Anthropology and Sustainability from the University of New Hampshire.
I have a love for telling stories and capturing the idiosyncrasies of people, places, and things, with portraiture being my preferred medium. The topics that excite me the most are culture, food (can you spot the Anthony Bourdain influence?), and documenting artists and creatives at-work.
I started learning photography as a creative experiment, but it's become life-defining to me. As I work and learn more, I see the world and humanity in new and exciting ways. That's the beautiful thing about life; we don't know what or how much we don't know.
That philosophy has led me to develop a love for learning whatever I can from others (often my photography subjects!), a passion for seeking out unique experiences to invigorate my creativity, and it was my main drive in my quest to travel to twenty countries around the globe by the time I was 20 years old.
(I succeeded!)
When I'm not taking pictures, you'll probably find me cooking and/or researching international cuisine, playing trombone or ukulele, spending time outdoors, or spending quality time with those I love. 
I'd love to work with you, and you can find my contact info on this page!
With regards,
Max, Maximus, Maxwell, Scoville, etc.